Life Chiropractic & Wellness Centre
Dr . Kolbi Brost uses a combination of techniques and technology to provide you the finest care possible.
Compliment your Chiropractic care and help your body regain health and vitality with BrainTap Technology!

Please note: All prices are in USD.
BrainTap sessions are available here at the office and we are ready to provide you with the best care possible to compliment your health goals.

BrainTap has over 700 available sessions to compliment your Chiropractic Care. Sessions with treatment may include:
- Pain-Free Lifestyle
- Brain Fitness
- Stress Reduction
- Healthy Sleep Habits
- Vibrant Health
And so much more!
Elevate Your Chiropractic Experience!

Relax. Reboot. Revitalize

Foot Levelers - Custom Orthotics

For nearly 70 years, Foot Levelers has been making custom orthotics that are clinically proven to help reduce pain and improve whole body wellness by balancing the body from the ground up.
Your feet are your foundation and structural imbalances in your feet can lead to issues throughout the body like:
Your feet don’t even have to be hurting to cause some of these issues. Foot Levelers custom orthotics,
Shoethotics® and Sandalthotics® can help by properly supporting and positioning the feet.
A foot scan or impression shows how imbalances in the feet lead to problems throughout your body. The orthotics are then made off your foot scan or impression.
Only Foot Levelers custom orthotics support all 3 arches of the foot. Your arches give the foot strength to support the body in a balanced fashion. Balancing your foundation can help relieve pain and avoid future issues. Ask us about getting scanned or download Foot Levelers Patient Catalog for more information.

Custom Orthotics Success Story
Kelley Andrews was living with pain and taking painkillers after multiple failed back surgeries. She finally found pain relief after discovering Foot Levelers custom orthotics.
Multiple Activities? Multiple Orthotics...

Your whole body needs proper support from the ground up.
Chiropractic adjustments and Foot Levelers custom-made Spinal Pelvic Stabilizers help bring your body back to its natural state of alignment.
Stabilizers – a unique form of in-shoe orthotics – help hold your chiropractic adjustments in place and reduce skeletal stress and pain. Our office utilizes the AssociateTMPlatinum digital scanner, which is the fastest, most accurate and most advanced method of processing your Stabilizer order.
Request your appointment today to find out how we can help improve your total body wellness – from head to toe!

Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM)

What is frequency-specific microcurrent? Frequency-specific microcurrent (FSM) is a technique for treating pain by using low-level electrical current. The current is delivered to certain parts of the body in an attempt to relieve the pain.
A frequency is the rate at which a sound wave or electronic pulse is produced. This measurement is registered in hertz (Hz). In using FSM to treat pain, it’s been found that various frequencies can be used to potentially reduce inflammation (swelling), repair tissue, and reduce pain.
How does frequency-specific microcurrent work? FSM is applied to the body with a device that delivers a mild current. Microcurrent is an extremely mild electrical current (one millionth of an ampere). The human body actually produces its own current within each cell.
In FSM, depending on the tissue involved, specific frequencies are selected to encourage natural healing of the body and to reduce pain. Frequencies have been identified for nearly every type of tissue in the body.
One of the ways FSM works is by potentially increasing the production of the substance ATP in injured tissues. ATP is the major source of energy for all cellular reactions in the body. Because treatment with FSM can increase ATP production by as much as 500% in damaged tissues, this may help with the recovery process. Depending on the condition, treatment with FSM can “loosen” or soften the muscles, which can help relieve pain and/or stiffness.
What conditions can be treated with frequency-specific microcurrent? FSM is most often used to treat pain, especially nerve and muscle pain, inflammation, and scar tissue, from the following conditions:
– Disc injuries
– Acute (sudden) and chronic (long-term) musculoskeletal injuries
– Acute and chronic neuropathic (nerve) pain
– Torticollis (the head is tilted to one side)
– Disc injuries/discogenic- and facet-based pain
– Concussions
– Headaches
– Plantar fasciitis (pain in the heel and foot)
– Sports injuries
Is frequency-specific microcurrent painful? Treatment with FSM is non-invasive and painless. The currents used in FSM are so low that the patient often does not feel them. During FSM treatment, patients may notice certain effects, including warmth and a softening of affected tissues.
Are there any situations in which frequency-specific microcurrent should not be used? People who should not receive FSM treatment include those who have pacemakers, implanted pumps, or uncontrolled seizures, and women who are pregnant.
In addition, certain frequencies should not be used in cases of acute infection, new scar tissue (within 6 weeks), and acute fractures. Please discuss any of these concerns with your provider during consultation so that appropriate recommendations can be made.
The Insight Subluxation Station
The patented Insight™ Thermal Scanner assesses autonomic nervous system function by measuring skin temperature differentials. It utilizes data published in the Journal of Neurosurgery for normative comparison and reporting. A patented, breakthrough aspect of the Insight’s thermal scanner design is that the sensor array can be adjusted to accommodate the 3 different sized spines (adult, adolescent, infant).

The Insight sEMG technology is similar to the technology used in EKG/heart rate measurement machines. One primary difference is that the Insight sensors are 1,000 times more sensitive, since the paraspinal muscles generate less electrical activity [action potential] than the heart muscle. The sensitivity and accuracy of the Insight technology is unsurpassed!
One of the most exciting technologies in contemporary chiropractic practice, sEMG measures baseline status and changes in the electrical activity of paraspinal muscles in order to quantify the muscular changes associated with vertebral subluxations. This makes it a powerful tool for tracking outcome assessment results from chiropractic care.
sEMG – Asymmetry Scan
This scan of a patient’s muscle asymmetry depicts the amount of muscle pull from one side to another. Normal is marked by white spikes or no spikes at all. The same colors are used here – green, blue and red for mild, moderate and severe levels of muscle asymmetry respectively.

sEMG – Pattern View
This graph is the Insight’s sEMG “pattern View”. This analysis is a unique, patent pending sEMG application that only the Insight provides. Of primary importance to the chiropractor is the way muscle energy is being distributed throughout the spine. Patterns can demonstrate ‘efficiency’ or they can exhibit lack thereof. Think of it sort of as the motor systems ‘miles per gallon’ rating. A person’s somatotype or age may affect sEMG amplitude signals. But with the Insight’s breakthrough pattern view, clinical impressions will not be skewed due to these factors. Colors and the shape of the lines serve as visual cues to easily assess the results.

sEMG – Amplitude Scan
The patient’s sEMG scan is compared to normal. We are viewing the amplitude (amount of tension) of paraspinal muscle activity, along with hyper- or hypo-tonicity as it compares to a normal population. Green bars indicate one standard deviation over normal, or mild elevation. Blue bars indicate moderate elevation and Red bars indicate severe elevation. Yellow indicates one standard deviation below normal.

The Insight PWP allows you to monitor the autonomic nervous system in new ways by collecting Heart Rate Variability (HRV) data. This is a unique, extremely exciting, and powerful tool for the chiropractor. Heart Rate Variability is the beat-to-beat variation in heart rate. This natural rise and fall of heart rate is caused by several physiologic phenomena, including breathing and autonomic nervous system activity. Chiropractors use HRV to get a window into how the autonomic nervous system (ANS) modulates heart rate in the baseline or resting state. Published research has demonstrated that chiropractic adjustments have favorable effects on HRV parameters. CLA has perfected the clinical application of reliable HRV measurements for chiropractic applications, and has a patent pending on the device. For the first time, instead of measuring parameters on or around the spine, we are able to directly measure the effect of chiropractic care on the function of a vital organ. This significant “proof point” catalyzes a patient’s understanding of the whole body health benefits of chiropractic care.

Adjusting Techniques
Dr. Kolbi uses a chiropractic spinal analysis and adjusting technique called “Torque Release Technique”. This information is to allow you to better understand the basis for this technique and how it affects your body.
Torque release bases its technique on gentle touch and light thrusting by hand or instrument. This low-force adjusting method allows the nervous system to better integrate and understand the new corrective information and to process it throughout the spinal cord and brain
Your spinal corrections do not stop once you get off the table. They continue as you breath and move. You may notice that you hear a click or popping sound in your spine later on the same day after the torque release adjustment. That’s your body realigning and correcting its own subluxations.
Torque release teaches and empowers your body to make more corrections and healing with ongoing care.
Because analysis and correction are not limited to just the area of pain and symptom, integration tends to be more complete and healing experiences are deeper in all areas of the body, mind, and emotions.
Torque Release releases tension on the spinal cord by correcting subluxations of spinal segments intimately connected with the meninges or attachments of the spinal cord. It leads to profound neurological changes that benefit everyone – no matter what symptoms or level of health they are currently experiencing.
The Primary intent of Torque Release Technique is to progressively reduce blockages and tension of the entire spinal system, to release trapped unresolved patterns in the body/mind, and to facilitate reintegration of the nervous system, allowing a greater expression of one’s healing and performance capabilities.
Commonly asked questions about Torque Release:
What is Torque Release Technique?
TRT is called a “tonal” technique because it normalizes the tone of the nervous system. Imagine that your nervous system has a volume control – if you turn the volume up too high, it causes distortion (increased tone) which can show up as internal organ complaints, musculoskeletal stresses, and diminished immune response. The same occurs if the volume control is set too low, in other words the nervous system is not sending enough messages to the body for what is necessary to get the job done (decreased tone). This causes your systems to become sluggish, they slow down function and sometimes simply turn off, the muscles become weak and do not support your skeleton well, leading to all sorts or aches and pains.
TRT corrects these problems with increased or decreased neurological tone by normalizing the functioning of nerves, spinal cord and brain. TRT is based upon correcting spinal misalignment, called subluxations, primarily where the wrapping of the spinal cord and brain, the dura mater, attaches to the spinal segments. These attachments only occur in small number of sites in the spine; the upper neck area, the sacrum and coccyx. The dura also attaches to all the bones of the skull. Dr. Kolbi includes cranial bone adjusting with her torque release protocols to relieve these stresses on the skull.
What can I expect from Torque Release?
Many people notice a tremendous sense of relaxation and well-being after TRT. Most people take deep sighs after these adjustments as their bodies release deep neurological stresses that have been accumulating over the years. Overall, it’s always a very pleasant and enjoyable experience.
I didn’t feel any noises or popping sounds when you worked on me. Did you really give me an adjustment?
There’s many ways of adjusting the spine. Some involve a physical movement of the joints between two spinal bones, resulting in the sound that people are so familiar with. Other techniques use light force that do not cause any sound. Both techniques work! It all comes down to the intent of the chiropractor in releasing stresses to your nervous system. Dr . Kolbi uses a combination of techniques to provide you the finest care possible.
What types of conditions does it help?
It’s important to note that TRT is not a treatment for specific diseases. TRT is meant to correct spinal subluxations that are interfering with the neurological control of your body.
Is this technique safe for infants and children?
We have found that this technique is one of the best ones we’ve seen for all ages of children – from birth through adolescence. The technique is extremely gentle, with no forceful manipulations of the spine. Children really enjoy its gentleness and often hop up onto the tables in anticipation of their spinal corrections!
What is the Impulse Adjusting Instruments?
Impulse Adjusting Instrument is a gentle, low-force program of chiropractic care. Chiropractic adjusting with the Impulse Adjusting Instrument aims to restore your body’s balance and function to correct the underlying symptoms.
What does it feel like?
Chiropractic adjustments with the Impulse Adjusting Instruments feel like a light tapping sensation on the area that is being treated. In most cases the treatment is painless and after the adjustment many patients feel relief of pain and improved mobility. Others report a sense of well-being or a soothing calm feeling.
The benefits of Impulse Adjusting Instrument
Extreme Speed. Impulse is twice as fast as other adjusting instruments and 100x faster than manual chiropractic adjustments. The gentle thrust is faster than the body’s tendency to tighten up and resist the adjustment.
Controlled Force. Impulse has three different force settings for different parts of the body to treat patients of all ages. The controlled low force thrust of Impulse make treatments comfortable.
Frequency Tuned Waveform. Impulse is specifically tuned to the natural frequency of the body that joints, muscles and nerves respond to, optimizing results for patients.
Dr. Kolbi offers the activator technique as a low force chiropractic option. The Activator Technique uses an unique hand-held Activator Methods Adjusting Mechanism to give consistent low-force, high-speed chiropractic adjustment.
The high-speed of the adjustment makes the body less likely to resist the adjustment causing less pain to the patient and maximum movement with the joint.
Diversified is the technique that generally results in the popping sounds as the chiropractor makes a manual adjustment to correct the misaligned or subluxated spinal segments of the neck or back, and is one of the most widely used forms of manipulation in the chiropractic field.
The focus is on restoration to normal bio-mechanical function and correction of subluxation. In addition, Diversified methods have been developed to adjust extremity joints, allowing for beneficial applications in treating sports injuries and other injuries.
Diversified adjusting of the spine uses specific lines of drives for all manual thrusts, allowing for specificity in correcting mechanical distortions of the spine. X-rays and case histories are use3d in analysis and diagnosis. No instruments are used in the adjusting procedure. Motion palpitation and full spine, hands-on techniques are used to deliver a deeper thrust, which makes an osseous (popping) sound as the adjustment is given.
Diversified adjustive procedures consist of high velocity, low amplitude thrusts that usually results in a cavitation of a joint. These techniques attempt to use the normal biomechanics of the spine and extremities in order to create motion in spinal or extremity joints, with the goal of restoring function and structure to the joint.
Developed by Dr. J. Clay Thompson, the Thompson Technique has shown to be useful for those sensitive to the Diversified Technique. The Thompson Technique is a form of chiropractic care that uses a special segmental drop table. The segmental drop table “drops” slightly underneath the patient upon application of a force through the joint in order to reduce stress on the body and increase movement within the vertebral joint itself. With the Thompson Technique and the segmented drop table, Dr. Kolbi is able to offer her patients multiple options for their treatment and care.
Patients can be more thoroughly analyzed than ever before, with the adjustments holding better and for longer periods of time.
What is Koren Specific Technique?
The procedure is made up of three steps:
First Step
The first step, challenging, is part of the analysis procedure. In a relatively short period of time the entire structural system can be checked: skull, spine, discs, hips, ribs, sternum, shoulders, arms, legs, hands, feet – literally anything that is out of position can be analyzed.
Second Step
The second step, checking, tells me if the body part is in its proper position. The base of the skull is used as a yes/no device.
Thus we have a binary or yes/no system telling us if an area needs or does not need to be corrected or adjusted. This system is akin to muscle testing (applied kinesiology or AK) wherein a muscle will become weak when confronted with a negative impulse.
Third Step
Correcting, step three. When an adjustment is needed the area is corrected using the Arthrostim™ adjusting instrument.
The ArthroStim™ is an FDA approved instrument developed by IMPAC technology in Oregon. It has been continuously refined and perfected over its 22-year history. It introduces energy/force/information to the body to realign segments and remove nerve pressure at a speed of 12 “taps” per second (12 hertz); it is a fast, accurate, low force and controlled adjustment.
The ArthroStim™ gives patients a very specific adjustment, meaning that only the segment that is out of position is adjusted; there is no twisting, turning or “cracking” of joints. This technique permits adjusting in different postures.
This is very important because sometimes a problem can only be reproduced in a certain position. For example, a driver in a car accident (sitting) may not reveal their spinal damage or subluxations when standing; therefore they must be analyzed and corrected in the seated position. This is especially noticeable with people who suffer pain, neurological problems, TMJ and other conditions.
Adjusting people in the standing position has the added benefit of working with gravity. I don’t have to say, “OK, please stand up and see how you feel” because the patient is already standing. Their body can process the adjustment or correction immediately.
How Should a Patient Feel?
Most people report a feeling of ease, relaxation and well-being as their structural nerve stress (subluxations) releases/diminishes. Some people feel very relaxed and they should listen to their body and go home and sleep if at all possible.
The next day some people feel as if they’ve had a good workout, often in places they never knew they had. This is usually felt only after the first adjustment, is temporary and usually disappears within a short time.
People have many layers. After the correction of what the body is showing at the time, older injuries, older distortions, older subluxations and older symptoms (both physical and emotional) may surface to release. The release and healing of old injuries is known as “retracing” and is usually part of the healing process.
On occasion patients have reported “cleansing” symptoms such as diarrhea, pus, mucus, headache, fever, etc. as toxins leave the body. These symptoms are usually temporary. It is helpful to be told if unusual symptoms arise. These symptoms may take the form of emotional releases: old memories coming up or unusual dreams.
Sometimes an area is so weak and the distortion so extensive that a segment put in place may not stay in position and may need correcting again.
-Tedd Koren, D.C.
Additional Products
Therapeutica Pillows

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Water Pillows
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